Nevermind, I must have looked at a different thread.
Hi all, I’m Ed. Been in the bit-coin thing since '11 and lite-coin since September this year. I’ve got some know how to share here and there and I’m sure I’ll chime in every once in a while with tips.
For example. Right now if anyone’s considering getting into BC, don’t. It’s a waste of money unless you go bid and invest in some ASIC’s. The hash-rate is too big right now to pay off in little machines. The best way would be to get some killer LC boxes made and trade the coins up to BtC. Currently because both are down, it’s approximately 27 LtC to the BtC.
Which is another reason for doing feather coin, trade up. I did some research on ones I think will stick around or be of greater value, this is one of them.
I currently have 5 boxes mining lite-coin right now with 3x Radeon HD 7850’s each and I’m averaging 5300 kH/s.
Why the 7850? Because it’s the best bang for your buck. All of them were purchased at Newegg individually for $160 per with a $30 mail-in rebate and each yields on average 340-360kh/s. It took some time to mail them and I had help from friends as I had them shipped to their addresses (so I could get the rebates on all of them). If you were to trade up to BtC now is the time to do it. Last week when the BtC was above $1100 per, it was an exchange rate of 33.33 LC per. Now it’s 27+ and will go up eventually. Rumor has is LC will see $100 per by summer so get into it now. Also, an ASIC will be released next year for it so keep your eyes out on that. Might be worth the investment. I’ve already traded up a couple BtC to get the initial money back that I spent so I’m in the green right now with whatever else I do in the future. AND, most ASIC facilities accept BtC as payment so I don’t have to spend a dime anymore, woohoo.
Anywho, that’s enough from me for now.