the attacker put his own transaction to roll back the orphan chain. so he needs to control what is put in the chain. [b]This is not possible if you just mine on a pool [/b] so he is not using a regular pool (the address used has no payout also that is the regular way for pools to operate, but not required). the only way a pool can do this is that the pool operator is the attacker or the pool is hack, in addition the pool need to get the additional hash rate to do so. But as far As I can see it’s not the case. pool at 51% is a potential problem. If a pool operator use it to reverse transaction this than becomes a problem.
we will hit the retarget soon we then will see what happen as we go back to 94 difficulty, but price will still make mining profitable at this level. 94 and 2.8Gh/s should keep us near safety.
pool hash ratio should be looked at, but is probably not a big concern as the spread seems to be ok I have seen 1.7MH/s of the actual 3M in 4 pools with the highest as .747M so it’s ok.
As the attacker is probably an alien node to been able to introduce his own block pool is in fact our best defence, don’t put restriction on them unless we get hard reason to do so.