he guys, thanks for your replies… yes it allready exitst… thought i came up with something newiesh… thanks again.! Rob
Best posts made by coinsbee
RE: My own graph on volume and price?
RE: wallet from 2014 wont sync
as i am writing now anyway… this is what i wrote to coindesk…
Dear Omkar,
My name is xxxxxxxxI came up with a new personolized graph system for crypto’s
But i cant make the app but still i wonder if you want to write about it.
At least some credit for my thoughts :)Its not out there yet
An app that if you buy your bitcoins (alt) you have your own graph
So the amount you buy in dollars / euro’s etc etc turns into a graph in comparisent with the valua of bitcoins/alt
So you can see what you own in a graph…This app does not exits yet, again i hope you wanne write about it and mention my name.
Look forward hearing from you and if you decide to write about it , send me a massage.
price bitcoin vs volume
Does anyone understand the fact the volume trading if you look at coinmarketcap… if you divide volume price (in dollars) to price bitcoins … about 570.000 bitcoins are being traded last 24 hours… isnt strange that with these prices 9000+ for 1 bitcoin … more coins are being traded … wouldt it be more logical that less botcoins are being traded… like hold on to bitcoin and price goes up… suppy demand would say price goes up… but now it looks like the more trades the higher the price ?
bitcoin and altcoins are failures
Hi there all, i realise i am not a moderator but i do believe this is a interesting subject i would like to discuss…
Thinking of bitcoins and there intentions … decentralisasing…
What has been happening over the last few years … was the intention to replace fiat? yes i may believe so… and what do we hear now… blockchain and investing by corparate…
Lets be frank with eachother … who is buying products with bitcoins ?? are you ? or do you see it as a investment …
I truely believe that you can actualy see bitcoins and altcoins as stamps… yes poststamps… but then digital…
Everyone keeps them , waiting for the price to go up… no one sells or buys anything with them… why would you? i give you 1 bitcoin for a car … 5000 bucks and one week later its 6000…
So to my point of view all subject and siminars and people that say… decentralisation… are bulling… it will never happen…
Yes the blockchain… the backend… look at what jp morgan is doing with quarom…its got nothing to do with coins… so i would say … bye ripple , bye ethereum coin… it will never happen that coins are attached to contracts… no way…
Yes jp morgan will wanne make companies members to there system… pay and you can join… but not with altcoins or crytocurrency…
Its what been said before … they are assets and derivatives… thats how the stock exchanges are gonne deal with them… but then again… the companies dont have a backup… what do they do? where is money comming in… how…
So to my opinion at this moment its just supply and demand … and when the max market supply is hit by mining it all collapse…
Maybe i am wrong , but who is right ? … its a bit like realising that electric cars are failures too… because who is gonne buy a electric car that has 180.000 miles /km on it… and the powerpack needs to be replaced for 4000 bucks… just to let you know that its written off… no one wants to buy it…
I guess thats why the big boys say ïts a bubble" because thats all they say… and not explaining why they think that? why do they say it any way… ?
Anyway its a great ride no… 10.000 bitcoins for a pizza :) … $ 80.000.000 -
RE: wallet from 2014 wont sync
well , it must mean something no… looking at it today , and then new wallet aswell… as i enjoyed the btc-e trollbox … sometimes… i would say to the moon feathers !! 0.80 euro cent before the end of the year … come on whales… its happening :)
RE: wallet from 2014 wont sync
joking right … havent looked at my wallet for over 3 years and then today a new one… well … i always think… if its not on the official website… dont touch it
RE: wallet from 2014 wont sync
got the version… didnt know about new one.
RE: wallet from 2014 wont sync
yes , the new one is downloading now… still 4 years and 16 weeks to go… i will wait first when wallet is in sync and then try to replace… somehow… its a bit freaky doing this… money in the no… dont wanne make mistakes… … i will drop a line when its working… or replacing old for new one … as i guess its better to wait to do wallet.dat replacing ?? thanks for your help so far by the way… greetings from Holland
RE: wallet from 2014 wont sync
and replacing i do in the command line area?? installed new one… old one still on computer and usb stick… have seen the wallet.dat … but as a layman i dont know where to replace …
RE: wallet from 2014 wont sync
i will try , read it wellenreiter
RE: wallet from 2014 wont sync
thanks, i will do your steps… but before i do… how do i get the coins from the old wallet into the new one… as i presume the new wallet is empty… and another question… something i dont recall … if the wallet is out of date… would it still show the amount of coins i actualy have… or does that appear when in sync… thanks for your help so far… new to the forum… old owner of feathers tho :)
wallet from 2014 wont sync
Hi there all, thought i had to ask… i have a wallet from 2014 … and today i tried to open it… its says out of sync… and 0 connections to the feathercoin network… i tried to add some lines in the debug area… but without any luck… as i have allready read a bit about entering nodes… look forward to some help and get my wallet running again… think there are quite a few in there