Hi all, great forum you have here. I have a couple of newbie questions and hope you can help…
I am looking to invest in a mining rig to mine Feathercoin. I am happy to invest around £1300-£1800 give or take. I am doing this primarily as a way to make a profit, and I do believe the medium/long terms trends for Feathercoin value are good.
For the GPU, I have looking at buying two or three MSI HD 7990 AMD Radeon cards. They are about £400 each but Price to khash ratios seem to be fairly consistent across all high end cards (judging by [url=https://litecoin.info/Mining_Hardware_Comparison]https://litecoin.info/Mining_Hardware_Comparison[/url]).
Are these cards a good bet for mining?
is £400 a good price for them?
What are their shortfalls against other cards?
Would you recommend any alternatives?
Should I be worried about script ASIC mining? ([url=http://forum.feathercoin.com/index.php/topic,5037.0.html]http://forum.feathercoin.com/index.php/topic,5037.0.html[/url])
Your advice is much appreciated…