Thanks guys for the warm welcome. :)
Currently I have about 2.8-3.0 mhash/s available to mine, I’ll probably have two 7950’s thrown at FTC for the next month or so, roughly 1250 khash/s I’m getting from the two.
I don’t know what is in store for this currency in the future, I hope the price does not hit rock bottom when the difficulty changes probably next month. If the difficulty becomes something like ~25, then a crapload of miners will suddenly have thousands of coins…
Or maybe, the blocks will be solved to quickly for some people to have time to jump in. Who knows. :p
I bought a bunch of coins (960 coins) at .00306 BTC with all of my previously mined LTC, so I’m hoping that some day we will see a rise in value.
Enough of my tangents, time to mine :)