Okay, here you go (NSFW): https://ottrbutt.com/miner/neoscryptwolf-11042014.png
As you can see, every card is around mid-70C or below, except that 270X with the dead fan. What you don’t see is that all of them have a decent sized voltage bump, except that 270X, which is slightly undervolted to compensate for its lack of cooling. So, even at this hashrate, the cards are running quite cool - too cool, as my room is rather warm (probably from all three desktops with high end GPUs…) - so I need to trade off some of the memory usage for extra computations. Compute power is likely still plentiful, unused because of memory access times.
Here’s my 7950 doing 150Kh/s. Fairly Safe For Work. (In Soviet Russia, You maul Bear! Then if you’re lucky, she mauls you back) I could use a suggestion for a good overclocking bios though. Been playing around boosting a few to 1.3v and I just ran across The Stilt’s mods the other day but haven’t had much luck with them either. As you can see, temperatures are absolutely no problem. Stays under 70 even when scrypt-hashing full load, full crank. Too many variations! Can’t spend days freezing and rebooting. It’s a Gigabyte, part 113-HD685ZNF63.SB, Hynix mem of course. My best so far is around 1260/1740. Would love to hit 1300/1800.