Getting stuck on block 33582
block time: Sat Jun 8 10:15:42 2013
Isn’t that the date there was a 51% attack on feathercoin?
Could that be the cause of getting stuck at that point, or is it just a coincidence?
Getting stuck on block 33582
block time: Sat Jun 8 10:15:42 2013
Isn’t that the date there was a 51% attack on feathercoin?
Could that be the cause of getting stuck at that point, or is it just a coincidence?
Installing Fresh . on pc and getting stuck on block 33,582?
Have reinstalled twice today but keeps stoping at this block and will not go further any ideas?
I apologize if this isn’t the right place for this but I’m having the same problem. I downloaded to update my wallet and this happened. I even deleted the blockchain to re-download a new one and had the same problem.
I also tried installing the wallet fresh on a totally different computer that I don’t use for mining, and have the same problem. It took a few minutes to get up to block 33582, last block time: Sat Jun 8 10:15:42 2013, then does nothing, it gets stuck there.
I’ve left it sit there for 8+ hours and it still hasn’t advanced.
debug.log on both computers is full of things like:
2014-04-13 00:26:33 ERROR: CheckProofOfWork() : nBits below minimum work
2014-04-13 00:26:33 ERROR: CheckBlock() : proof of work failed
2014-04-13 00:26:33 ERROR: ProcessBlock() : CheckBlock FAILED
2014-04-13 00:28:50 ERROR: AcceptBlock() : block’s timestamp is too early
2014-04-13 00:28:50 ERROR: ProcessBlock() : AcceptBlock FAILED
2014-04-13 00:34:41 ProcessBlock: ORPHAN BLOCK
2014-04-13 00:34:41 ERROR: CSyncCheckpoint::CheckSignature() : verify signature failed
Created an account to mention a problem I’m having with wallet.
I started mining feathercoin a few months ago, I was doing litecoin on coin-o-tron and feathercoin was one of the other currencies listed there, so I put a little mining power toward that too.