Dear Feathercoin community,
I am relatively new on these forums having recently said hi in the associated section of the FC forums. However I’ve been looking around and reading all of the wonderful things this community has been doing in getting feathercoin on the map. I’ve started mining feathercoin about 5 months ago, because I have always been intrigued by the whole crypto currency thing. On top of that I truly believe that it can replace the use of money as it is now.
Now on to the topic, I’ve been working on a album in my free time. I’ve been recording, composing and mixing everything from the past two years and haven’t resorted to help from the outside. The project was called About Bread with a LP called It’s Time To Leave The Planet. It’s not meant to be spiritual by any means, I love making music and love creating sounds and using words that sound cool without paying too much attention to the meaning of lyrics…
In short, it’s finished and pretty awesome. I am currently awaiting distribution and had some press reactions to my first EP: Circles. Since I have been idling on these forums for quite some time I was wondering if I could somehow use feathercoins to reach more people and sell my music in more places than the usual itunes, spotify combo…
Since I don’t have any ideas on how this could work, (I’m guessing, the marketplace) I decided to start a topic on the matter and take the chance to at least send you to my communication channels where you can listen to a few tracks awaiting wider distribution. Digital distribution through the feathercoin website would be pretty awesome…
Take a listen, leave a comment and if there is anything I can do to help this community further along (with my music) I will do so. (samples)