Maximizing GPU for mining
The .bat file I’m running looks like this (copied from the pools webpage):
ccminer-80-x64 -N 60 -i 19.5 -a neoscrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u 72b2vx4F65CHBPsTFNZdUxBDmhU8xzrhHP -p x
Is there a way to make my gpu push harder? The fans on my gpu haven’t ever turned on so I’m thinking i can get more out of it. My gpu is a ASUS GTX 1070 STRIX OC.
I am also wondering if its worth running a cpu miner at the same time. I have a i7-6700K.
I have not tested GTX1070, but have 1050 and 1060, and basing on them your speed 900+ kH/s seems good. I just wonder that fans not working - do you make all power connections? Because it is intensive work and even low calculations make GPUs hot…
Yes, you can turn CPU mining also with such processor, I don’t think there will be any problems (in any case you can always leave one core untouched).