FeatherLuck lottery \#2
Didn’t know about Markus’s initiative, but today I modified the bitluck code and built a simple working feathercoin lotto page that handles tickets and payouts automatically.
It generates a deposit address for each player where the payments go for each round and the ticket price is configurable. Winners are chosen daily by a sql query that picks a random winner address.
I assume it would get some traction as the confirmations get back to normal speed.
For transparency and trust, the list of payouts will be made public ( date, address, amount )
The only problem is that in my country it is illegal to operate gambling websites so I can’t have it online here. I am looking for a hosting environment that can legally host it, has php, mysql and a feathercoin daemon it can access via jsonrpc. I assume a basic virtual server would be ok. Hosting would be paid from the page “income” if possible, I don’t have any extra coins or fiat to sponsor it.
There, a new service that uses FTC exclusively :)
I am open to ideas or requests.
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Pretty much a duplicate but web based :D seems nice ;)
[quote name=“Markus1337” post=“7813” timestamp=“1369836187”]
Pretty much a duplicate but web based :D seems nice ;)
Yeah i just modified it to work with ftc and added some styles to the page. it’s something.