Feathercoin on the Vault of Satoshi
Someone tweeted this:
“@Feathercoin why adding to @vaultofsatoshi was ignored by #feathercoin community? It’s a very good news! FTC can be traded to USD and CAD.”
https://twitter.com/idemin1/status/429670374012248065Feathercoin is listed, look: https://vaultofsatoshi.com/
I for one didnt know FTC was on Vault of Satoshi… Let the word spread! :)
A bit out of topic here but I had sent you Chris a PM earlier today and now I’ve checked “sent items” and it ain’t there. Is there something wrong with the PM system or was just my mistake?
I did know it and tweeted it out a while ago… :b
This was started a few days ago http://forum.feathercoin.com/index.php/topic,7306.msg55987.html#msg55987