My client keeps crashing
Numerous reinstalls, removed the %APPDATA%/Roaming/feathercoin dir. reinstalled windows and still having the same issue.
Im Running Windows 8 Pro x64, ive tried to run it as administrator also
Any Ideas anyone?
Running win8 without a problem. Do you have the current version?
/edit did it ever run without crashing?
[i]Could[/i] be a failing HD…Is this a new Win8 PC or a OS upgrade to an older PC? This is the first report I have heard of this, so it sounds like it could be hardware related. I’ll make sure bush is made aware of this thread.
This is also happening to me on windows server 2008 web edition and yes using the latest version
it ran without crashing before the latest update.
I seem to be having a second issue now also.