[Solved] Insert Image button not working forum - How to insert image
I upload pictures to light screen.com and click the “insert Image” button and then paste the location between the img /img brackets and it just places a blank line in my post. Conversely I paste the same location between the html /html brackets and it shows the location that when clicked shows the image. Here is an example:
Placing the location using insert image button here: [img]http://prntscr.com/2cchc0[/img]
Placing the same location using Insert Hyperlink button here: [url=http://prntscr.com/2cchc0]http://prntscr.com/2cchc0[/url]
see? nothing in the first one , link in the second one and link is working.
Any help resolving this would be much appreciated!
~//~ -
You’re linking to a web page, not an image. That’s why.
The image at the web page is here: [url=http://img837.imageshack.us/img837/4199/wury.png]http://img837.imageshack.us/img837/4199/wury.png[/url]
And when embedded in a img tag looks like this:
Putting a web page in an image tag won’t work.
[quote name=“Kevlar” post=“46218” timestamp=“1387477374”]
You’re linking to a web page, not an image. That’s why.The image at the web page is here: [url=http://img837.imageshack.us/img837/4199/wury.png]http://img837.imageshack.us/img837/4199/wury.png[/url]
And when embedded in a img tag looks like this:
Putting a web page in an image tag won’t work.
Thanks a million, that was exactly the answer I was looking for. Now I just need to learn how to uncover the full path to those .jpg files after I upload them?
I have been reading a lot of your stuff, and most of it is difficult for me to fully grasp. Not trying to pump your ego here, but your pretty intelligent guy with a pretty cool skill set and I am glad your apart of Feathercoin. I am grateful that with all the more important things your working on, like the whole file share in the block chain project, you still took the time to answer my simple problem, says a lot and I will be giving you rep for that for sure.