Converting / trading a % of FTC to bitcoin and others.
Hey guys,
I mine 90% feathercoin, along with a few other Cryptos. But loyal to FTC ;) Love the community and see a great future with it…having said that…
I’m thinking about exchanging 10% - 20% of my feathercoins into bitcoins or other currencies. I know most people would recommend keeping in feather rather than bitcoins, but I don’t want all my eggs in one basket as such, plus I want to try my hand at trading a small part of my growing stockpile (small right now lol).
I’ve been reading a few threads here and there, but there seem to be many different ways. What sites / methods do you guys use / recommend? I don’t want to head down the wrong route, or use a crappy site.
Cheers guys, much appreciated.
The easiest way is to sign up on BTC-e - transfer the coins you want exchanged for Bitcoin in - Sell - and then use that BTC to buy other coins on BTC-e/Cryptsy.
[quote name=“mnstrcck” post=“43524” timestamp=“1386873012”]
The easiest way is to sign up on BTC-e - transfer the coins you want exchanged for Bitcoin in - Sell - and then use that BTC to buy other coins on BTC-e/Cryptsy.
[/quote]Awesome, easier than I thought, thanks for the help.
Although I’m loyal to FTC, It’s always a good thing to spread your risk. Basic rule of finance and investment!