Submit your idea's for videos to promote FeatherCoin
I am looking for more idea’s on videos to create to help promote videos. If you have an idea on a video you would like to see made, or help me make let me know. Could by anything, tutorials, guides, general explanation.
I want to do my best to produce some really great content that will help bost the image and brand perception of featherCoin.
Really I have been looking for a way that I could devote my skills to help promote FeatherCoin. I happen to be a pretty experienced video editor so I want to contribute that. 8)
I am thinking an official FeatherCoin youtube channel would be great as a repository for video content. Is that a possibility?
[quote name=“hadriansilver” post=“4033” timestamp=“1368767521”]
I am thinking an official FeatherCoin youtube channel would be great as a repository for video content. Is that a possibility?
Regarding a video, I’m sure anything you’ve mentioned will be suffice. The more exposure the better.
Justabitoftime may have some suggestions for a particular video he’d like to see.
I’ve started a Moviestorm animation using the “What is Feathercoin?” video voiceover, but it will take me several weeks to complete (if I can find the time).
I made this: and manuals, about creating a wallet and how to start mining.
If you could ‘convert’ that into a video that should be awesome :)
If you could mockup a few examples and clips I’m sure some talented (and creative folk) with hop in and offer ideas and words of wisdom.