\[Action Item\] Mediators Wanted
Truth is the one commodity that never loses its value in any market. Indeed the only thing that can ever get in the way of truth is time itself. Giving up the need to be right, letting go of ones ego and deeply listening to another person’s point of view is one of the rarest and most valuable of skills.
[b]With your help we can win the biggest victory of all - harmony within the community.[/b]
What’s important is not that every instrument plays the same note, we want diversity of opinions and views and yes sometimes debates might get heated which is why this job is the most valuable of all.
So do you have them? Or do you resonate with what I am saying here such that you believe you have the potential to grow in to a role like this?
If so I would like your help. Because I have been crawling through the archives on issues like ACP and I need to round up all the arguments in to a summary that fairly represents each person’s point of view. I could do this alone but I would rather not.
One of the most valuable skills you will need is to understand concepts like [url=http://www.paulgraham.com/disagree.html]Paul Graham’s Hierarchy of Disagreement[/url]
[/center]As well as:
[*]Being able to look past ad hominems and cutting through to what’s important
[*]Understanding that when someone gets angry it is nearly always because of something inside of them rather than the outside of the other person.
[*]Not looking at the person but the ideas that lie behind them
[*]Seeing potential in others and how they can fit in to the group
[*]Concepts like Fundamental Attribution error
[*]You will probably be a fan of the [url=http://www.pon.harvard.edu/category/research_projects/harvard-negotiation-project]Harvard Negotiation Project[/url]
[/list]What’s important is that there are 6bn people on this planet who need what it is we are building and every non constructive argument we have is a missed opportunity to help them.
I’m the most chill person I know, except for my grandfather - who’s in a coma.
I don’t take myself too seriously
I approach things logically and rationally
I value opposing opinions - however relayed
In my group of friends - when camping- I’m the morale booster [this is crucial to survival]CONS
Some might consider me too laid back
At the same time, I giv’er when I need to
I hate people who hate pizza [seriously guys, but it really is the perfect food]
I’m Canadian [Sorry] -
[quote name=“mnstrcck” post=“28813” timestamp=“1379826847”]
I’m the most chill person I know, except for my grandfather - who’s in a coma.PROS
I don’t take myself too seriously
I approach things logically and rationally
I value opposing opinions - however relayed
In my group of friends - when camping- I’m the morale booster [this is crucial to survival]CONS
Some might consider me too laid back
At the same time, I giv’er when I need to
I hate people who hate pizza [seriously guys, but it really is the perfect food]
I’m Canadian [Sorry]
[/quote]That’s great, when can you start?
Anytime. PM me details.
[quote name=“mnstrcck” post=“28865” timestamp=“1379867789”]
Anytime. PM me details.
[/quote]Brilliant. I will do that later today, I want to wait and see if anyone else chimes in.
[quote name=“mnstrcck” post=“28865” timestamp=“1379867789”]
Anytime. PM me details.
[/quote]I just PM’d you to get your Gmail account and with that we can work on a Google Doc. I am just going through @Kevlar’s Post history to try and see things a little more from his pov and I notice that you chimed in quite well on the issue here:
[url=http://forum.feathercoin.com/index.php?topic=3537]http://forum.feathercoin.com/index.php?topic=3537[/url]Showing great patience and consideration. This is exactly what we need.
I’m also interested. How do I get involved / find out more?
[quote name=“capriciousmike” post=“28912” timestamp=“1379925788”]
I’m also interested. How do I get involved / find out more?
[/quote]Great. I am just working on some other bits and pieces at the moment but I want to get this started on Wednesday if that’s okay.
The main purpose is to go through old posts, particularly ones regarding ACP and feedback from users like Kevlar to try and get the feedback stripped of any inflammatory remarks ;)
This task is important because we want to make sure everyone is listened to here on the forum. I will get an official Feathercoin Google Drive account setup so we can collaborate properly.
Anyone new to this thread please yell out if you think you can help.
Increase the peace,
I have just sent you both the Google Doc. Today I am busy on the Local Feathercoin and Video from the Meetup. I will try and catch up with this over weekend.
If anyone else is reading this and thinking they want to get involved as a Community Mediator please shout.
[quote name=“mnstrcck” post=“28813” timestamp=“1379826847”]
I’m the most chill person I know, except for my grandfather - who’s in a coma.PROS
I don’t take myself too seriously
I approach things logically and rationally
I value opposing opinions - however relayed
In my group of friends - when camping- I’m the morale booster [this is crucial to survival]CONS
Some might consider me too laid back
At the same time, I giv’er when I need to
I hate people who hate pizza [seriously guys, but it really is the perfect food]
I’m Canadian [Sorry]
[/quote]I’ve seen him around before. Nice guy. He gets my vote, if that counts for anything.