Procurement Manager
The following role is being proposed for approval. Please indicate whether there is a need or interest in such a role.
Procurement Manager
Procurement Manager is a position that comes in different names, “purchasing manager,” “contracts officer” and other such positions share interchangeable duties and responsibilities.
The purpose of a procurement manager is to streamline the procedure for which Feathercoin Market (or other company) engages in business with merchants and/ or vendors. Procurement managers typically have a degree in law, a J.D. and have demonstrated an aptitude for contract law and/ or other business related fields. This position is most useful for businesses that have many long term agreements with other businesses, whether merchants, vendors, service providers or anything else. Although procurement managers typically function as part of Business Operations, their legal education and/ or experience serves to increase the accuracy and efficiency of any issue between the legal department and merchant services department.
Feathercoin Market would likely benefit greatly by fulfilling this or a similar role for the purposes of compliance, uniformity and long term enforcement.
Duties vary depending on the specific needs and requirements, however are often included in the following key terms: Compliance, contracts, legal, management, negotiations, operations, project management, purchasing, procurement, risk management, etc
Please indicate whether this description fulfills any need or interest by Feathercoin Market. If so, it can be developed further or left open for applications.