Basic info needed ;)
Hey, as you probably know I’m making a Feathercoin android app, I need simple paragraph outlining those topics below in case people aren’t familiar with cryptos.
[*]What is a cryptocurrency?
[*][s]What is mining?[/s]
[*]What is a pool?
[*]What is Feathercoin ( + compare to btc and ltc)
[*]Who is the creator of Feathercoin, a bit of background maybe?
[*]What we as a community achieved in such short time
[/list]As well as anything else that you could add to help newbies that are new to the whole crypto currency!
Thank you! :)
Article I wrote posted by sheepson :)
And for what it’s worth, I tried to get a “Mining Page” outline started (didn’t go anywhere :(), but it has a lot of info that you might be able to use
I would be interested in helping out with this, do you still need assistance? I could write “What is a cryptocurrency?” if that helps. :)