Someone from Pool Opeators - Please make contact
“Sun Jun 09 FTC removed again. Might be dead this time.”Can someone please contact them?
Sent this:
Hi,First i would like to thank your service for sending us the hashrates that effectively choked the 51% attack. We are not dead. Some exchanges are doing manual deposits. We are far from dead. A checkpoint release is already out and we are researching protocol changes that would make the 51% attack very difficult to carry out.
We have an auction market opening and our coin is receiving about 2.5 to 3.0 GHs now.
I wanted to let you know we are alive and well and to invite you to our forums. I think you’ll see we are an active participation community. Unlike any other cryptocoin community everybody is making or building something here. We’re not bunker heads looking to survive the economy. We’re rebuilding it.
Thank you for your service and please stop by. We are open to suggestions and ideas 24/7/365/4.5B (age of the earth).
Rares Marian
Features Development Lead