Unofficial Feathercoin Wiki
I took the liberty of starting a not-so-official feathercoin wiki.
Why? Because if someone hosting a wiki goes under, so does the wiki. I used Wikispaces because they are a disinterested third party and I know they aren’t going anywhere.
I added a couple of pages to start out. I imagine a lot of my information is scant, poorly written, or inaccurate. That is what the rest of us are for, however! Anyone can participate by joining Wikispaces and joining the Feathercoin wiki.
I also made my own little alternate Feathercoin logo and whatnot for the wiki but it’s free for anyone to use. :)
Also, I was having a difficult time finding a centralized source of information other than this forum so I thought I would use a wiki to organize the information I find (Pools, mining software, hardware specs, coin trading, markets, etc)
Hey guys, I’ve been adding a lot of information to this wiki. Anyone can contribute, so feel free to correct my sources (or lack-thereof) and add information. :)
Lovin it, goodjob.
I’ve updated the wiki…a lot.
Check out some of the new/updated pages:
[url=]In the Press[/url]
[url=]Sites Supporting FTC[/url]
[url=]Myths[/url] -
This is coming along really well, and it all helps in the Google rankings for FTC 8)
Thanks Mark. I’m going to keep adding more information to it as I go. I keep “stealing” info off the forums and posting it up there so we have a central reference point. I’ll try to remember to add references to the forum topics as I go.