\[ANN\]\[FTW\] Blackjack - Max wager 5FTC
Thankyou Kevlar! the server received it. I will post a url here as soon as its live, not too far away now ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
[b]Can anyone help me create terms of service and conditions based on these being user submitted?[/b]
[img]http://s17.postimg.org/5l4igdcbz/new.png[/img]P.S I KNOW I HAVE TO CHANGE FTC TO FC ;)
done. let me know how u get on. [b]http://www.feathercoinfaucet.com/[/b]
Brilliant work, well done, I will test when I get a spare few minutes…hours :D 8)
I must point out that for the wager limit to increase people must play. Currently the max bet is 0.1
There is currently 1 member! as soon as a couple more players invest 1FC wagers will automatically become available as it will payout from the default wallet, taking into account contingency for wins. Its a bit akward to get started but as soon as there is 5 more FC it will unlock, and so on … untill 100 FC bets unlock! … unlesss anyone can provide a bankroll or donations. thankyou.
… need 5 more FTC to let people make 1 FTC bets -
[quote name=“featherman” post=“199” timestamp=“1367267465”]
I must point out that for the wager limit to increase people must play. Currently the max bet is 0.1
There is currently 1 member! as soon as a couple more players invest 1FC wagers will automatically become available as it will payout from the default wallet, taking into account contingency for wins. Its a bit akward to get started but as soon as there is 5 more FC it will unlock, and so on … untill 100 FC bets unlock! … unlesss anyone can provide a bankroll or donations. thankyou.
… need 5 more FTC to let people make 1 FTC bets
[/quote]OK - Got you, I’ll definitely try and get the ball rolling for this at some point 2mro! Promise! I’m off to bed right now.
Also have you pushed this project over in the alt-coin section @ Bitcoin talk? Maybe worth a bump! This forum is definitely for Feathercoin but will take time to get more & more active members. -
This is awesome. I’ve enjoyed blackjack all the way back to my days at school playing for coppers. I will get on there later, so much work to do beforehand.
I looked for thread on BitcoinTalk about this but could not find one. If there is one please link us in here.
1 FTC bets are now active!!! People are playing and everything seems to be going well :-) one thing has been mentioned which I will look at improving, and this is that you have to refresh the deposit page for it to see 6 confirms before it adds this to your balance (I need to setup a cron job)
It’s working GREAT! Good job I even got BlackJack 8) I couldn’t bet over 1FTC at a time though, but I’m presuming that will increase once the site gets more users!!
BTW the Deal button WILL apear once you get the 6 Confirms - TBH do you really need to wait for 6? It’s your site, but 6 seems a hell of a lot - Maybe for lower deposits just have 1 or 2 confirms MAX then the full 6 for larger deposits? If it is possible to do, I don’t know?
[quote name=“featherman” post=“249” timestamp=“1367323575”]
1 FTC bets are now active!!! People are playing and everything seems to be going well :-) one thing has been mentioned which I will look at improving, and this is that you have to refresh the deposit page for it to see 6 confirms before it adds this to your balance (I need to setup a cron job)
[/quote]I just wanted to say great job on the project. It’s entertainment items such as this that help show the usefulness of the coin.
Donated 100FTC - No doubt I’ll probably lose 10x that eventually :)
Moving a little coin out to give it a go!
Here are some free MOFEATHA-COUPON codes. Each worth 0.3 FTC ~ Get free bets! (registration req - no wager limit)
ikH3JRY4MLEuc9dQmcBR - claimed
VRfIQTZ5CPB2eZcD9jxb - claimed
KnFxSatEYiIDeYzg22JK - claimed
TJCxZH2X4tJdzwer4Wuy - claimed
G9iZpjIRIiM4MB7bbZSd - claimed
hAjxkc9e54nWBmQVzRWR - claimed
WPx16VPfNGoxAZwjRozm - claimed -
^^ Great idea!