We have new Blockexplorer :)
That’s fantastic it looks really slick and runs nicely on my phone as well. Nice one bush :)
http://explorer.feathercoin.com/block/909141fd4c859f28e104bb16947637900a37854f7f22e70a8529cfe32ba854d4 block reward 12.5? xP somethings not displaying right, and im sure i saw a bitcoin something earlier… and where’s the api? you’re useless bush :(
just kidding you’re not useless! it’s looking really slick, just a few tweaks, a pointer as to where the api is, and we’re sorted, nice one, also runs a lot better on mobile :D
I am sure he will fix details asap ;)
@Peter Bushnell
New multisign address is wrong in this explorer, multisign address prefix is f ,not 3.
Please modify SCRIPT_ADDRESS, because SCRIPT_ADDRESS is 96 ,not 5 in core wallet.
base58Prefixes[SCRIPT_ADDRESS] = list_of(96);
site is under construction. Are we working on it? It seems to be down. So does the currency exange on the mobile site.
Lizhi’s http://block.ftc-c.com/ works.
I do not really understand why some people are worried about the explorer. ???
Feathercoin not live through the site feathercoin.com
Feathercoin live thank’s to your WALLET CONNECTED to Internet.
There are many explorer for ftc
https ://coinplorer.com/ftc
https ://bchain.info/FTC
https ://bitinfocharts.com/feathercoin/explorer
Anyway, Thank you a LOT to Bush and Lizhi for the big support!
Lizhi’s http://block.ftc-c.com/ works.
can we update the links then? The links point to a dead “working on it” page. Seems all the HTML updates in the world never get published on the site.All I see is breakage and no one fixing it. I see volunteers from the “FTC future pages” but no changes on the actual site.
I have plans.
Lizhi’s http://block.ftc-c.com/ works.
Dang - that is pretty. Good job Lizhi!