Offering: Coding lessons on Feathercoin
Ohh this sounds intresting, what are you thinking ZD?
If ppl want to see the code explained with actual samples, then I’ll accept FTC as payment.
Covered: Feathercoin, Catcoin, Confcoin, and Virtconf.
What language you want to teach?
Crypto coins use C++, but I’d like to also look at Javascript and Python. I like Ruby, but Diaspora was a distribution disaster because of it.
So why would anyone pay fro this?
There is plenty of excellent tutorials and courses for free…
This isn’t a programming course.
This is about the cryptocoin code.
Also people pay for prompt attention to questions.
Maybe you can do one easy lesson for free first.
And then people might follow to paid version if they like it?
Let’s go into core 0.10.1 ,Do you like ?
Will 0.10.1 fix our issue with core? Could we safely allow people to use the new wallet you spent months creating? The wallet with shapeshift, coinnector, bitmessage, plugin capability, dark transactions…