Drop a line - Gridcoin
I didn’t make it, need help, my cgminer conf file is not working.
Can you post example of working file (complete) here please? -
[quote name=“mirrax” post=“33272” timestamp=“1383598258”]
I didn’t make it, need help, my cgminer conf file is not working.
Can you post example of working file (complete) here please?
[/quote]I could setup the cgminer, but didnt manage to setup the BOINC properly so that the Gridcoin client didnt knew that Iam running it, so I dropped it.
Here is my Gridcoin conf. :
rpcport=9332And Iam running an old version of cgminer so my cgminer config:
cgminer --scrypt -o [url=][/url] -u username -p password -I 13
worked well with solomining but not worth it without that BOINC…
I’m just guessing here, but couldn’t anyone modify the client to give the additional reward without running BOINC? How is this incorporated into the proof of work to prevent counterfeiting?
[quote name=“Kevlar” post=“33278” timestamp=“1383601427”]
I’m just guessing here, but couldn’t anyone modify the client to give the additional reward without running BOINC? How is this incorporated into the proof of work to prevent counterfeiting?
[/quote]Yeah that’s right [i]I found the cure for cancer[/i], thanks for the block reward… Suckers!
Actually the dev’s number one priority in any changes he makes is keeping the BOINC authenticity secure. Below is the output of a block’s info that includes a hash for BOINC… as for how the hash is taken I’m not sure since I’m not that fluent in the inner workings of even how cryptocurrencies run in the first place, so you’d have to ask the dev at Cryptocointalk.
“hash” : “7e48b5a54da89f2c5cb6f02f5f20ccd4c214db670cb6e13cccd06be8ed0b4260”,
“confirmations” : 3,
“size” : 414,
“height” : 10233,
“version” : 2,
“merkleroot” : “a7e98c13010e5ba0dd12f8e30cc57427fcea8100ce3c928c12567e137fdeeb40”,
“tx” : [
“time” : 1383611096,
“nonce” : 2917990976,
“bits” : “1d01ae56”,
“difficulty” : 0.59487501,
[b]“boinchash” : “3a94913164b731f5c712e4a7852575a3,1,93,CARD_VERSION,POOL_MINING,G12CLPqSTz4CvU4YHLZE9gHr1nWDkTcM1K,8”,[/b]
“previousblockhash” : “c7b07f4d447612b3b7d65c03e904ec91400651786df81f48fb042d26b85dd0b9”,
“nextblockhash” : “3d46fcb612103b612695f704b60d4d8d99233201b142d5d01f13b108a0b49d2f”
Anyways to you guys who wanted to give it a shot and still want to point a card or two at it, some machines do have issues getting it to recognize BOINC, but the suggestions here have cleared up pretty much any issues that came up.[url=http://www.gridcoinnetwork.org/troubleshooting.html]http://www.gridcoinnetwork.org/troubleshooting.html[/url]
Screw cgminer, guiminer worked on first try…
Now my PC is in full-fire:
* CPU is folding proteins
* GPU mine coins
* USB ports occupied by erupters
:) -
Aysyr just launched Gridcoin forum:
Feel free to take a look ;)
Free 10 GRC, take a bite:
This giveaway will continue just after Gridcoin allow this forum to live again…
If you choose [b]World Community Grid as BOINC project[/b] you can actually get some [b]free XRP here as addition to your mined GRC and good feeling of beeing helpfull[/b] ;)
I still hate this premined garbage (XRP), but as they are basically free of charge I will take some…[url=https://www.ripplelabs-wcgxrp.com/]https://www.ripplelabs-wcgxrp.com/[/url]
Damn coulda made a ton of free XRP by now lol. Never even touched one before, but like you said, if it’s free I’ll take some
GRC unofficial video:
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1tmNmZomeM#ws]Bitcoin + Science = Gridcoin Project[/url]
I hope GRC will be soon on Cryptsy ;)