We just past 500 followers on Twitter
Make sure you are following us here: https://twitter.com/Feathercoin
The next target is 1,000. I am considering getting some of you have a go on it too, how do you feel about that?
Thats awesome! :)
[quote name=“ChekaZ” post=“28800” timestamp=“1379810846”]
Thats awesome! :)
[/quote]And I should add these are good quality followers, I make sure I block all spam accounts. These are either people I have met offline or people who I have carefully hand picked online and decided to reach out to because I think we are relevant to that person.
This was a shot I took of Bush at Oxford Brookes Uni.
[url=https://twitter.com/Feathercoin/status/379984022753275905]Getting political with @rjsargent1 at the #brookesunion[/url] -
Added to my list :o