The real story behind the community
As I think about documentaries, one of the most interesting things about Feathercoin is the variety of backgrounds that come together to make something special. I believe there’s something there that could help us break out of the crypto community. Just random thoughts… I’m thinking “If I was JQ Public, what would I find interesting about Feathercoin”.
The idea of thousands of people (we know we have Feathercoiners out there that don’t hang in the forums) working together in this grand project. I just think there’s an angle there. Thoughts?
Yeah agreed. I think we need to make things happen fast to stand out from the rest as soon as possible. Right now there are so many alt coins and what will make us different is the speed and precision that we can create and establish a community that runs its own alt coin. Community based projects are always the best.
I agree that our diversity is definitely something that makes us stand apart from all other coins. I believe Feathercoin is the people’s coin… and there is no other coin that does what we do. I think there is an angle there for sure… just need to figure out how to promote that to the masses.
I agree, we do stand out from the rest and that is because of all the hard work that the FTC put in. We are still hot topic in trollbox :)
perhaps someone could make a video with photographs of community members. you could call it, “the many feathers of feathercoin” or something equally cheesy :P
make it informational at the same time. kind of like one of those late night infomercials or something 8)
very good idea!
[quote name=“deroekeloze” post=“8362” timestamp=“1370011228”]
perhaps someone could make a video with photographs of community members. you could call it, “the many feathers of feathercoin” or something equally cheesy :Pmake it informational at the same time. kind of like one of those late night infomercials or something 8)