\[ANN\] Feathercoin Fundraiser Raffle!
**Feathercoin Raffle **
1FTC = 1 Ticket
Help the community raise some money for [url=http://prostatecanceruk.org/]The Prostate Cancer Charity[/url]
Prostate cancer kills one man every hour and the number of men with the disease is rising at an alarming rate. While it is already the most common cancer in men, it is predicted to become the most prevalent of all cancers by 2030.
1st Prize
**Limited Edition Laser Etched Physical Feathercoin Wallet (0010-W1) **
Pre-loaded with 55FTC!
+ Will Work for FTC T-Shirt
[url=http://i750.photobucket.com/albums/xx145/toftrjuk/raffle/7152270b-73ab-4fc0-a132-14445bb91b36_zps185cbfe4.jpg][/URL] [url=http://i750.photobucket.com/albums/xx145/toftrjuk/raffle/coin_cert_zps3808e587.jpg][/URL]
[url=http://forum.feathercoin.com/index.php?action=profile;u=14448]netnerd[/url] can vouch for this item being a genuine coin and as the certificate in the photo shows, it is coin 10 from his run of just 24 coins. I have left the protective cover on the prize coin just to give it a little extra protection during shipping. I will personally cover the cost of postage for this item to anywhere in the world! so don’t feel that just because you’re in the UK you can’t take part! Massive Thank You to netnerd, who has pre-loaded the coin with 55FTC for the lucky winner!
2nd Prize
**£ 50.00 or $ 50.00 worth of Amazon Gift Cards! **
+ Will Work for FTC T-Shirt
Donated by a very good supplier of mine. You can chose $ or £ and I will send you redemption codes in your chosen currency via email shortly after the draw has taken place.
3rd & 4th Prize
3rd Prize Approx. 1.4Mh/s Mining for 5 days! (3rd - 7th March) + Will Work for FTC T-Shirt
4th Prize Approx. 1.4Mh/s Mining for 5 days! (17th - 21st March) + Will Work for FTC T-Shirt
Quite simply what it says, I’ll point one of my mining rigs against the pool of your choice (but for obvious reasons we would prefer it to go against the pay back pool to raise that little bit extra for the charity) for 5 days, I’m saying approx. 1.4Mh/s it’s been doing over that for a steady 3 weeks now without any sign of failing, and if I get round to sorting my additional card before mining commences you can have its output as well :)
*** UPDATED *** My additional card for this rig has now come in, so you should be getting around 2.25Mh/s for your 5 days if you win!5th Prize
**Will Work for FTC T-Shirt **
A massive thank you goes to MTRisner, for donating this great FTC T-Shirts, to be warn with pride as you show every one your interest in the Feather :)
6th Prize
**50 FTC - Transferred to the wallet of your choice **
A massive thank you goes to Matl, for donating these Feathers to a new home :)
7th Prize
**50 FTC - Transferred to the wallet of your choice **
A massive thank you goes to Matl, for donating these Feathers to a new home :)
8th Prize
**Steam Code for the game Thief **
A massive thank you goes to HopeStillFlies, for donating a Steam Code for the game Thief :)
Additional Prizes
I’m working on some of my suppliers to get suitable donations to hopefully add further prizes over the next couple of weeks, but as this is a global raffle and prizes need to be delivered to people this is proving a little more tricky than normal, so please just keep checking back here to see what else has been added to the list.
Likewise if you have something you would like to donate to this cause then please drop me a PM with details and we will have a chat about it.
**How to get tickets! **
To make things as simple and as transparent as possible from an admin point of view, I think the easiest way is to issue everyone who wants to buy tickets with a unique wallet address to send payments too, you make your payment based on 1FTC per ticket and then I will issue you with your ticket numbers.
So drop me a PM asking for a wallet address to send your lucky feathers too, if you could include in the PM weather or not you would like to remain anonymous that would be good as I will be publishing on the forum a link to the ticket sales to provide some transparency in the whole process.
Please remember I also have a day job so please be patient in waiting for your addresses to be issued, don’t worry there’s plenty of time between now and the draw for you to buy tickets.
**The Draw **
The draw it’s self is now confirmed to take place on the 22nd of February live at the Oxford Blue in the UK. I’m hoping to broadcast a live web-stream at around 20:00 UK time so you can tune in and watch what’s going on.
**How Else Can I help? **
Anyone who mines can help the cause by sending a few hashes over to the [url=http://forum.feathercoin.com/index.php/topic,7048.0.html] The Community Payback Pool[/url]
And remember for now all 1.5% of the Pool Fee is donated to the charity as out supplier has agreed to waiver the hosting fees until further notice!A personal note from me:-
Give the recent un-fortunate turn of events. I understand that some members may treat anything like this with a certain amount of scepticism, and to be honest so would I.
The idea was discussed with Ruthie and ChrisJ and a number of other people in person at the January meetup in Oxford. The charity as said in another post is something close to my own heart, my mother and a couple of close friends have had brushes with cancer at varying levels over the last few years and now it’s time to help give something back.
The benefits to us as a community are only limited by our own imaginations! I will be asking ChrisJ to assist with a couple of press releases for when we make the final donation towards the end of April. I will also be speaking to Kevlar and asking him to put funds into cold storage as I go along.
You as a community have helped us raise!
3585.19464649 FTC
Taken from, Raffle Sales, P2P Node Fees, and Donations!*** EDIT 1 - Draw date now confirmed with the Oxford Blue as the 22nd February, so get your tickets boys and girls :) ***
*** EDIT 2 - Updated due to netnerd’s generous donation of pre-loading the coin with 55FTC! ***
*** EDIT 3 - Updated to increase the hash rate on the mining prizes as I’ve stuck another card in the rig :) ***
*** EDIT 4 - Updated to include a T-Shirt with every prize and addition of 5th prize after MTRisner generously donated 5 to the cause! ***
*** EDIT 5 - Updated with 6th & 7th prize after a generous donation from Matl ****** EDIT 6 - Update with 8th prize from Hope ***
Awesome! Bought some tickets 8)
[quote name=“ChekaZ” post=“56511” timestamp=“1391293427”]
Awesome! Bought some tickets 8)
[/quote]The 1st of what I hope will be many, I have PM’d you your ticket numbers. I will add a list of ticket sales as soon as I can work out the formatting for a table ???
Yes I confim that this is one of my genuine coins bought at the latest Oxford Blue meetup I will even put amount of purchase in ftc onto coin. Good luck every body ;D
[quote name=“netnerd” post=“56515” timestamp=“1391298846”]
I will even put amount of purchase in ftc onto coin. Good luck every body ;D
Massive thanks for that generous donation!Even more reason to be in it to win it now boys and girls.
I’m in. This needs to get BIG. Ill try to spread the word.
I have bagged me some raffle tickets, I have got to get me one of them coins ROFL. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Great idea Uncle Muddy! +1 rep
I´m in too, please send me an address.
Let’s hope this turns out big to show the power of our community :)
Thank you all for your donations so far!
I have now added a total amount raised so far to the bottom of the original post, so you can see all your hard earned feathers starting to add up :D
As promised here is a list of ticket sales so far, I will update this list as time goes on so there is a public record of the ticket numbers in case any of you lose your PM’s
Raffle Ticket Sales
Ticket N_o_ Username
001 - 010 ChekaZ
011 - 035 netnerd
036 - 069 eyenotion
070 - 075 mwe_060
076 - 077 Thytos
078 - 127 iawgoM
128 - 147 ryan176
148 - 172 fyrputt
173 - 197 kris_davison
198 - 202 kinsi
203 - 212 motherlode1
213 - 223 FrankoIsFreedom
224 - 243 finalbillybong
244 - 263 Linus
264 - 273 pauldodd
274 - 293 j0k3rhd
294 - 323 Remonius
324 - 373 Cookieboy
374 - 383 midwaycy6
384 iankwok2-c
385 - 396 Zeppelin
397 - 446 BikerGSX
447 - 471 RaccoonPete
478 - 521 MTRisner
522 - 571 Matl
572 - 582 MikeDDD
583 - 682 mhamilton79
683 - 707 fyrputt
708 - 1557 HopeStillFlies
1558 - 1562 MrWyrm
1563 - 1587 T4rQu1N
1588 - 1687 liam
1688 - 1737 gbdesai
1738 - 1740 Davidzwiet
1741 - 1758 flcph
1759 - 1783 Drjones
1784 - 2050 IhaveNoIdea
2051 - 2060 Murphy1138
2061 - 2185 vladi
2186 - 2285 wec
2286 - 2335 iawgoM
2336 burnt_micah
2337 neovortex
2338 - 2437 mnstrcck
2438 - 2457 cryptocrazy
2458 - 2532 kris_davison
Again many thanks for your support
Going to get myself some tickets tonight. -
You have tickets :D
Many thanks for your support!
Great Idea, Can you PM address to me? :)
Coins sent. Great idea muddy thanks for setting this up +1 rep.
if all our members bought just one ticket we could raise some serious cash here. It would be great if this could be in the next news article aswell.
I want to join this.
Please PM me a FTC address.
Address sent guys 8)
I’m in for 20! Good luck everyone!
Posted an AD at the Mining pool i use https://forum.give-me-coins.com/discussion/867/ftc-raffle#Item_1
Hope it draws some more support in.
Hi mate,
If you can PM me a Address i will send some FTC Over :) …
Finally caught up with all address, if you have asked please check your PM’s as they should be there.
Boom, :)
Ive sent some over…